
Washington Portrait

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Leah Nellis

This cooperative improvisation between fifth and second grade students can be planned and performed in less than one hour, but preparation for the event should include several previous experiences including viewing the famous painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, hearing the historical details from a variety of sources, engaging in student discussions of the events surround the planning and the Battle of Trenton and identifying targeted musical concepts.

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PK-2 3-5

The Rite of Spring and Fantasia

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Karen Travis

Students will listen to Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, discuss what spring time means, and create a list of adjectives for the music. Then, they will watch the part of the Disney film Fantasia that re-interprets the same music. Students will add to their list of adjectives, retell the film's story, and compare the original music to the film's story. After listening again, and moving to the music, they will write and draw a response.

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Tempo in Your Feet

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Jessica Grant

Students will be able to name and describe the following tempo markings: adagio, andante, moderato, allegro, and presto. They will be able to move kinesthetically at each named tempo, and be able to identify the tempo of a piece of music they hear by moving to the rhythm.

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PK-2 3-5

Surprise! Fun with Food - A Lesson in Dynamics and Adjectives

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Valerie Danels

Students will learn the dynamic levels in musical terms and learn about adjectives in Language Arts, specifically adjectives that describe what kind. Students will listen to Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major, often referred to as the Surprise Symphony.  Students will gather instruments found around the classroom, and sample quiet and noisy foods.

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Language Arts

Romantic Pictures in America

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Sonya Fergeson

Students will improve vocabulary and writing skills by writing a sensory/descriptive story utilizing elements of both art and music as their inspiration. Students will pay close attention to the six traits of writing - editing our first drafts and making improvements in ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions. Students will demonstrate an understanding of general musical terminology.

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Oiseaux exotiques (Exotic Birds)

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Adele Sato

Students will be able to identify Olivier Messiaen's Oiseaux exotiques. Students will acquire some knowledge about the composer and how he replicated real bird calls musically in this composition. Students will be able to create a drawing of their own exotic bird and describe it in great detail so that another student will be able to recreate the drawing. Students will learn the importance of accurate description in writing and following directions in drawing.

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Mozart and The Magic Flute

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Cynthia Conn

This is a collaborative lesson that integrates technology, language arts, and music. It was implemented by the technology teacher, librarian, and the third grade classroom teachers.

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Learning Adjectives through the Duke

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Rachel Belmon

The students will describe the life of Duke Ellington and his contributions to the field of jazz. The students will create "nick names" similar to jazz performers of the 1920's by using adjectives that describe themselves. The students will create an original poem using a variety of popular vocabulary from the 1920s as well as adjectives that describe a mood they feel from listening to the musical selection. The students will create an illustration to decorate an adjective word wall in the room.

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Kindergarten Carnival!

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Gael Reed

This is a series of lessons on Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns, and is the culmination of a science unit on animals. During the animal unit, students learned about the different ways animals move. As an extension to the concept of how animals move, they were introduced to the book that accompanies the music of Carnival of the Animals. Each day we read and listened to one selection from the book and CD. We discussed various musical elements such as dynamics, tempo, and orchestration.

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Introduction to the Orchestra

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Gail Claus

Students will gain a basic knowledge of acoustics, the families of instruments in the orchestra, an instrument’s pitch range, and how sound is produced by an instrument.

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